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David Pietricola

Art Director, Technical Director, 3D Artist, Photographer

Dave grew up in Grand Isle Vermont on a strict diet of Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers. His life-long love of Muppets led to his BA at Syracuse University for Digital Art, and his subsequent MFA at Pratt Institute where his graduate thesis received Second Place in the Conceptual Animation Time Space category at Siggraph 2010.

You can find his work in films such as Patriot’s Day, 2016’s Ghostbusters, Creed II, and Equalizer 2. He currently lives in Boston with his wife Erica, their daughter Mabel, their dog Fergus, and hopes to someday participate in The Great Migration to Mars and resulting Great Why-Did-We-Migrate-to-Mars Uprising.



Let's get in touch! 

Feel free to check out my CV (click here) or drop me a line!

Check out my IMDB here!

